Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cowok Player

Heya fellas,

Good to be back. Gw mau share to u all laydees, kalau selama ini elu yg jadi bad girl ketemu good guy, bless ya. What if elu udah tobat jadi good girl and ketemu bad guy??? Keep reading..

I know u're so in love, u wonder kog baru sekarang ketemu dia... u're so connected.. unlike ur previous relationships. Of course ketika dia nembak, elu lgs nerima.. Then he tells u he's so in love, like never before. Every 5mins, he says love u.. love u.. love u.. Gosh, I can't wait to marry u.
Eng ing eng, thhhaaaaatttt's huge... showing the part where he wants to commit in this relationship. Gw yakin elu bakal touched, dan surprised akhirnya ada cow yg bener2 niat mau spend the rest of his life with u. At this point, I say u're 50% trapped. Trus dia mau ketemu bonyo elu? Mau publicly announce ur brand new relationship? 70% trapped. He pays for ur new shoes, bags, dresses? Ok, 101% trapped now. (Tanda-tanda ini tidak harus berurutan.) And all of this happen within a month.. or two.

Well, I got bad news for u laydees, ini lah ciri-ciri cowok player. Kalau dia bener2 truthfully sincerely wanna build a relationship with u, dia gak bakal ngumbar janji. Some dudes, maybe all dudes, cuman gak mau mati penasaran, they just gotta try, apalagi kalo ketemu laydee yg irresistable seperti elu.

Tip on how to spot a player : He hints at long-term plans way too early. How can one think of marriage only after several dates?? Don't u dare trust him!

---So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

Friday, August 7, 2009

Cowok Mentel 2

Heya fellas,

(Just keepin it short) that previous theory drives me to this next one, somehoe I don't realise the case is dudes don't quite like 'SERIOUS' girls .. it's too much for them to bear,, mungkin takut tersaingi kepintarannya. LOL. That's probably why they prefer idiot-looking bimbo yg giggling at everything they say.

So who is the dumbo here???

So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cowok mentel

Heya fellas,

To the point aja deh. I guess the reason why I don't get hooked up in an instant is because ... gw sok kalem (sometimes), sok tegar (many times), sok kuat (mostly), sok wanita (all the time). Gw notice banget kalo cewek yg act cute, soft-tone, dan lemes-lembut lebih gampang narik perhatian cowo.

Terbukti banget sama a new acquaintance of mine yg suka cengar cengir, cengegesan at every sentence. 'xixixixi this' 'xixixixi that' ... flickering eyelashes at every sentence. Nah.. my every man-friend ask for her number at first meeting alrd. Kalo dibilang cakep.. gak cakep-cakep banget. Tapi karena sikap tuh cewe' yg act cute, cowo menilai dia 10 from scale 1 to 10 and 10 being highest.

This evidence then lead us to the fact that mata cowo hanya bisa melihat outer beauty. Pokoknya kalo ada cew cute, pasti pada sibuk minta di hook up. Outer beauty. Act cute. Mentel.

So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sensitive Dudes

Heya fellas,

You know, gw demennya macam cowo-cowo macho. Yang menyenangkan untuk diliat, and most probably menyenangkan untuk dipegang-pegang. Hohohoh. Yang ada stubles dikit-dikit, pokoknya yang agak-agak rough look, but take care of their appearance. So kinda, he actually tries to look good, but it looks like effortless. Well, kalo ini ma, apply to both girls and guys la ya. Jadi fusion between metro and real macho guy *emangnya makanan doank yang bisa di fusion segala*. Anyhow, I found lately, cowo-cowo TOO touchy with their feminine sides. Gw tau 3 lelaki, yang diputusin cewenya, do this ridicoulus things, that, pas gw putus ama mantan engga sampe segitunya.

1. dengerin lagu Jay Chow yang intinya, "Huhuhuhu, kenapa lo putusin gw... gw masi sayang ama elo.. i cant forget about you" and all other sappy things you can think of. Sambil kepalanya tergantung-gantung letoy.

2. minum, trus mabok, trus nangis-nangis, trus mulai rave on about the ex, and how wonderful they were (it's past tense yoooo)

3. mengurung diri. depress-depress engga jelas

Be a guy and toughen up man!!! -_-' Hey, I feel you, but come on....

Another random examples:
1. BT kalo namanya engga dititipin salam. Contoh: Jessi *nama khayalan* kirim sms: salam buat ana, ini, unu, holiday gw seru man!! o btw, salam juga buat si ono. Ono BT.. namanya engga penting gitu kesannya, disebutinnya belakangan.

2. Demen banget gossip. Kalah cewe. 1st thing that was ask when meet me: "so, any new gossip happening??" How am I supposed to know?! I'm close to anti social person man.

3. Rewel banget ama penampilannya. Contoh: "Aduh, engga mo pake topi ah, ntar rambut gw berantakan.", "Gw se bagusnya pake warna biru ya, kalo ijo, jelek" Iya, ntar mukanya keliatan kyk e'e, kan warna kulitnya kekuning-kuningan. KALO JELEK MA JELEK AZEEEEEEEE. Apalagi cowo, engga bisa ketolong ama make up tebal or baju low cut:P *sexes donk gw maennya*

Btw, this guys are straight guys. Engga mencong bencong.

Iya kalo tamba sensitive ama perasaan cewe, ini sensitive ama diri sendiri. Gw bawel nan rewel, but hey, I'm a girl :P I should be able to get away with it. Ogah banget kalo punya cowo yang lebih bawel or rewel than me. Bisa G-I-L-A.

So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Older vs Younger Dudes

Heya fellas,

Or girlssss.. Lebi pilih mana, to have a younger boyfriend, or older boyfriend??? Kan sekarang lagi jaman tuh get a toy boy, macem Asthon & Demi, trus si Madonna ama cowo nya, sapa tau la namanya. Seumur-umur gw cuma pacaran ama cowo yang lebi tua, so, I dont know how does it feel pacaran ama cowo yang lebi muda. But anyway, I've heard or experienced...


Enaknya, bakalan di baby in terus.. Di manja-manja, dan disayang-sayang. Kalo lebi tua, da kerja, asoy geboy bisa dijajanin pula. Huhauhauhau.But! They think they are so superior, and you are so little so obviously (in his mind anyway) he's smarter than you. Kan.. he's older.. living longer life than you, experienced more than you. The problem start pas kalo jadian uda lama. Si cewe juga uda grow a bit, dan engga jadi bego-bego amat seperti dulu, but of course kalo cewenya emang dari sononya da bego, ya hoki laki nya. She can be his FOREVER ego boost. Anyway, the not so bego girls, mulai "oo ternyata ini begini dan itu begitu...". Engga usa lagi the dude have to tell her stuffs, she knows already. Kalo cowonya engga error, he accepts the fact that MAYBE the girl actually able to grasp on SOME concepts more accurate than him. Tapi yang rada mencong-mencong, "the" alpha male... I think the idea will be too overwhelming to him to even picture it in his brain. If he got any.


Cocok buat cewe-cewe yang demen take care others. Stereotype nya buat cewe-cewe yang punya dede lelaki. Or older sister la. Ato tu cewe emang jiwa keibuan nya sangat besar, jadinya pengen ngurusin orang mulu bawaannya, layaknya ibu-ibu (loh?). On the down side, kadang-kadang lelaki ini masi childish, in some way romatic, in some way annoying. Kadang-kadang masi too loud, masi demennya maen, padahal sang cewe biological clock is ticking very loud in the background. But obviously, the guy is far from ready to make the clock calm down a bit. Dan selebihnya, harap fill in, since I have no experience in this field!

Layaknya sterotype.. Gw se prefer the older one. Hehehe. Secara gw anak bontot, kakak-kakak lebih tua jauh semuanya, I much prefer getting pampered. But then again, ada cowo yang lebih muda yang dewasa *so they said*. So, I keep my mind open. Not that it will gonna affect anything. Haha. So which one do you prefer?

So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

Friday, June 19, 2009

Dude, why are you so lame?

Heya, fellas

Tau deh, sekarang namanya jaman teknologi. Apa2 perlu pake komputer, perlu pake internet. Research di library di tengah tumpukan buku2 dekil dan berdebu? Basi. Telpon pake telkomsel daripada nge-PING pake Blackberry? Basi.

Tapi beberapa cowok bukannya make internet untuk kegiatan yg bermutu (such as creating a blog *wink*) tapi malah make internet buat bikin pick up line yg tadinya lumayan, jadi ga mutu. 

Dulu kalau ada cowok ngajak kenalan, biasanya mereka nanya: “Hey, can I get your number so we can get to know each other better?” With the right smile, the right look, the right shoes, sipppp....

Tapi sekarang, makin jarang aja cowok yg minta nomor telp cewek pas kenalan. Kalimat yg paling tipikal these days malah: “Hey, what’s your facebook?”

Gah! WTF is this? Cupu. Culun. Pengecut. Ngapain lo minta2 facebook gw? Yg ada ntar lo bisa tau nama lengkap gw, temen2 gw siapa aja, gw baru ngapain kemarin malem, gw mau ngapain besok. Ngasih tau facebook gw k lo sama aja kayak ngundang lo jadi stalker. 

At least kalau gw ngasih nomor hp gw ke lo, tapi besokannya gw jitak pala ngutuk diri nyesel karena setelah ngobrol 5 menit I realize I’d rather watch the grass grow than listen to you talk, gw bisa dengan gampangnya nyuekin hp gw stiap kli liat nomor lo on the display. Kalau lo mulai aneh2 sok pake unknown number, gw tetep dgn gampangnya bisa press NO in the middle of a conversation. I know it’s rude, but hey, I don’t have time to listen to you babble about random shit for half an hour. 

Lha klo lo tau nama asli gw dari facebook? That’s it, I’m dead. Lo bisa nyari2 nomor gw, alamat gw, nama mak babe sepupu sodara secicit setemen sekampung gw dari Yellow Pages or, even easier, my friend list. 

And I KNOW you’re gonna stalk around my albums to see how I look like in all different situations while you decide whether I’m hot enough. 

Oh, please. If you don’t have the balls to ask for a number and opt for an easy "add as a friend" button instead, don’t bother.


So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Dude Milenium

Heya fellas,

As I mentioned, gw baru pinda negara.. Gw pinda, disebabkan lelakiku. Aka, gw nyamperin dia. And just recently as well, gw dapet kerja baru di sini. Da 1st week gw di sini, gw di rumah ngga ngapain2, so I don't mind doing the house work for him. Clean, laundry, cook and so on and so on.

Anyhow... my point is.....

Dudes ages ago.. You know, they live in a cave. Ugu baba ugu baba. Keluar dari cave, hunting, bunuh kanan dan kiri, kembali ke cave, bikin anak. Bini ngurusin. Bawa pulang hewan mate, bini masakin. And so on and so on....

Dudes not so long ago... They start something call industrial revolution. Trus, mulai la para lelaki berkerja. Bawa pulang duit dan tentu saja, masi bikin anak. Duit kasi bini buat belanja dan lalu masak. Anak, bini ngurusin. Habis itu lelaki lenggang kanan dan kiri. Intinya, just bring home the bacon and thats about it, ya all. Basicly doesn't change much, just more civilised.

Dudes now. They expect the same. Bikin anak, pulang kasi bini duit trus habis itu lenggang kaki. But wait, gimana kalo sang bini bekerja juga? Layaknya diriku? Kita kerja, relatively job yang sama. Yang require brain power and high stress level job. Both bring home the bacon. AND YOU STILL EXPECT THE SAME THINGS!?!?!!?!? Lelaki jaman sekarang murahan! :P Kalo dulu, at least he brings the bacon or hewan watever yang dapet dari hunt mode. Trus kita cewe-cewe kerjaannya paling cuma duduk-duduk di goa, sambil merajut or what ever they do in the goa those days. Engga kudu lari-lari kanan kiri bawa tombak beracun (teracuni otak gw ama TV ne) Sekarang, yea.. dudes still bring the bacon. But so do girls. So, expect less. Do more please.

So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate
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