Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cowok mentel

Heya fellas,

To the point aja deh. I guess the reason why I don't get hooked up in an instant is because ... gw sok kalem (sometimes), sok tegar (many times), sok kuat (mostly), sok wanita (all the time). Gw notice banget kalo cewek yg act cute, soft-tone, dan lemes-lembut lebih gampang narik perhatian cowo.

Terbukti banget sama a new acquaintance of mine yg suka cengar cengir, cengegesan at every sentence. 'xixixixi this' 'xixixixi that' ... flickering eyelashes at every sentence. Nah.. my every man-friend ask for her number at first meeting alrd. Kalo dibilang cakep.. gak cakep-cakep banget. Tapi karena sikap tuh cewe' yg act cute, cowo menilai dia 10 from scale 1 to 10 and 10 being highest.

This evidence then lead us to the fact that mata cowo hanya bisa melihat outer beauty. Pokoknya kalo ada cew cute, pasti pada sibuk minta di hook up. Outer beauty. Act cute. Mentel.

So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sensitive Dudes

Heya fellas,

You know, gw demennya macam cowo-cowo macho. Yang menyenangkan untuk diliat, and most probably menyenangkan untuk dipegang-pegang. Hohohoh. Yang ada stubles dikit-dikit, pokoknya yang agak-agak rough look, but take care of their appearance. So kinda, he actually tries to look good, but it looks like effortless. Well, kalo ini ma, apply to both girls and guys la ya. Jadi fusion between metro and real macho guy *emangnya makanan doank yang bisa di fusion segala*. Anyhow, I found lately, cowo-cowo TOO touchy with their feminine sides. Gw tau 3 lelaki, yang diputusin cewenya, do this ridicoulus things, that, pas gw putus ama mantan engga sampe segitunya.

1. dengerin lagu Jay Chow yang intinya, "Huhuhuhu, kenapa lo putusin gw... gw masi sayang ama elo.. i cant forget about you" and all other sappy things you can think of. Sambil kepalanya tergantung-gantung letoy.

2. minum, trus mabok, trus nangis-nangis, trus mulai rave on about the ex, and how wonderful they were (it's past tense yoooo)

3. mengurung diri. depress-depress engga jelas

Be a guy and toughen up man!!! -_-' Hey, I feel you, but come on....

Another random examples:
1. BT kalo namanya engga dititipin salam. Contoh: Jessi *nama khayalan* kirim sms: salam buat ana, ini, unu, holiday gw seru man!! o btw, salam juga buat si ono. Ono BT.. namanya engga penting gitu kesannya, disebutinnya belakangan.

2. Demen banget gossip. Kalah cewe. 1st thing that was ask when meet me: "so, any new gossip happening??" How am I supposed to know?! I'm close to anti social person man.

3. Rewel banget ama penampilannya. Contoh: "Aduh, engga mo pake topi ah, ntar rambut gw berantakan.", "Gw se bagusnya pake warna biru ya, kalo ijo, jelek" Iya, ntar mukanya keliatan kyk e'e, kan warna kulitnya kekuning-kuningan. KALO JELEK MA JELEK AZEEEEEEEE. Apalagi cowo, engga bisa ketolong ama make up tebal or baju low cut:P *sexes donk gw maennya*

Btw, this guys are straight guys. Engga mencong bencong.

Iya kalo tamba sensitive ama perasaan cewe, ini sensitive ama diri sendiri. Gw bawel nan rewel, but hey, I'm a girl :P I should be able to get away with it. Ogah banget kalo punya cowo yang lebih bawel or rewel than me. Bisa G-I-L-A.

So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate
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