Thursday, May 20, 2010

Cowok Player

Heya fellas,

Good to be back. Gw mau share to u all laydees, kalau selama ini elu yg jadi bad girl ketemu good guy, bless ya. What if elu udah tobat jadi good girl and ketemu bad guy??? Keep reading..

I know u're so in love, u wonder kog baru sekarang ketemu dia... u're so connected.. unlike ur previous relationships. Of course ketika dia nembak, elu lgs nerima.. Then he tells u he's so in love, like never before. Every 5mins, he says love u.. love u.. love u.. Gosh, I can't wait to marry u.
Eng ing eng, thhhaaaaatttt's huge... showing the part where he wants to commit in this relationship. Gw yakin elu bakal touched, dan surprised akhirnya ada cow yg bener2 niat mau spend the rest of his life with u. At this point, I say u're 50% trapped. Trus dia mau ketemu bonyo elu? Mau publicly announce ur brand new relationship? 70% trapped. He pays for ur new shoes, bags, dresses? Ok, 101% trapped now. (Tanda-tanda ini tidak harus berurutan.) And all of this happen within a month.. or two.

Well, I got bad news for u laydees, ini lah ciri-ciri cowok player. Kalau dia bener2 truthfully sincerely wanna build a relationship with u, dia gak bakal ngumbar janji. Some dudes, maybe all dudes, cuman gak mau mati penasaran, they just gotta try, apalagi kalo ketemu laydee yg irresistable seperti elu.

Tip on how to spot a player : He hints at long-term plans way too early. How can one think of marriage only after several dates?? Don't u dare trust him!

---So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate
Copyright 2009 The Dude Teory: all about dudes. Belajar tentang cowok-cowok dan segalanya yang berhubungan dengan cowok.

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