Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sorry seems to be the easiest word.

Heya fellas,

Titlenya dari lagu "Sorry..... seems to be the hardest word..." Well, not so for most dudes I think. Well, gw baru baca this article about a guy when they say:

"I'm sorry."
When a guy says this, there's a good chance that he's more confused than contrite. "I've apologized to tons of women, and not once was I perfectly clear on what I'd done wrong, I was, however, totally clear on the fact that I was expected to apologize."

Sometimes, something that so obviously menyebalkan buat cewe-cewe, para lelaki has no idea, why it makes us so upset. Lemot? Another insensitive aspect of man? Selama gw berantem ama sang bun (bf), dia engga perna bilang "I'm sorry for what I did", dia bilangnya "I'm sorry for making you feel that way." Berarti intinya dia engga merasa kalo dia itu salah. Engga berasa kalo apa yang dia lakukan or said, itu bikin gw naek darah (At this point, gw rasa-rasa pengen gigit-gigit tu orang).

And this phenomena happens ama temen gw juga. Dia ada berantem gede ama cowonya, so as act of truce, cowonya kirim bouqet of flowers to her workplace. Ada kartunya "I'm sorry, I love you". Langsung lumer donk temen gw (cewe mana yang engga bakalan langsung jadi jelly with such a romantic gesture). Eh, pas cowonya ditanya later on ama cewenya, "Do you actually know why i got really angry?", cowonya bengong. tut tut tut. so............. the fight continued.

If you don't even know why we got so upset, then there's a very big chance later on you gonna repeat your mistake dan berantem lagi gara-gara hal yang sama. In that case, mengapa engga take times and energy untuk mengerti or at least engga usa ngerti da why we chicks see it as WRONG, asal tau aza what you did wrong. Jadi engga bakalan ada repetition in the future? YES, YOU, LELAKI, I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU!!
So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

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  1. Inge, I have to agree one million percent with u on this theory. It's so true. Gw nga tau mereka itu lemot ato absent-minded. Ato mereka pikir it's no biggie. Kenapa ya?

    Gw pnh nanya jg sm ex : "do u know why I'm upset?" --- dgr gw nanya gitu dya malah marah yg lebih besar drpd gw ... loh loh loh ?!

  2. @Ato mereka pikir it's no biggie
    i think so. cowo gw jg perna bilang "is not such a big deal, rite?" ngajak ribut bgt. (he learns not to say the sentence ever again. hohaohaoha).

  3. @Ato mereka pikir it's no biggie

    hmmm not exactly, kita cuma mikir "ya udahlah dah lewat"

    tapi emank suggestionnya Inge ada benernya. Ada baiknya cowok2 diem bentar dan think about what they did wrong.


  4. wow ... its a good one ... really2 good ...
    tp semua balik lagi ke theory awal :
    "cowo lebih pake logika sementara cewe lebih pake perasaan" ...
    n finally ... BOOM ... perang dimulai ...
    bagi si cowo itu bkn hal yg perlu dipermasalahkan based on his logic ... sementara si cewe yg terlalu PERASA ini nganggep itu adalah sebuah masalah yg hrs di selesaikan ...

    so ... gue membenarkan judul lagu "sorry seems to be the hardest word" coz emang utk say sorry aja gue udah bingung lha wong ga salah (sekali lagi based on our logic) ...
    selain itu ... ada 1 theory yg bilang "klo cowo itu emang selalu mau keliatan lebhi pinter drpd cewenya" (ngutip dr film 3 hari utk selamanya)
    jadi ya jelas aja gengsi donk klo seorang cowo minta maap ... :P

  5. hmmm.. koq kalo laki gue gak kayak begini yah? *lirik pandu* justru dia susahhh banget untuk ngaku salah n minta maaf.. skrg dah agak lumayan sih.. tapi dulu? hadeeeeeh..

    soal cowo yang gatau dia salahnya dimana tapi tetep minta maaf, ya gue cukup mengerti. mereka cuma pengen cepet damai krn pastinya kangen lah sama cewenya. masalahnya, kita2 para cewe ini emank hard to read. kalo ngambek sama cowo pasti ga mau/ga bisa ngomong secara eksplisit ngambeknya knp karena kita pengen si cowo nyadar dengan sendirinya. kalo kita pengen si lakinya figure it out sendiri ya bakal kayak gini kejadiannya, secara chicks and dudes speak different language gt loh :p

  6. iya emang dasar cowo ya, akunya udah marah setengah mati dianya terus minta maaf tapi ngulangin salah yang sama lagi... bener bener ga peka.

  7. @iya emang dasar cowo ya, akunya udah marah setengah mati dianya terus minta maaf tapi ngulangin salah yang sama lagi... bener bener ga peka.

    bukannya ga peka, tapi cara pandang kita beda.. wekkk :P

    @justru dia susahhh banget untuk ngaku salah n minta maaf.. skrg dah agak lumayan sih.. tapi dulu? hadeeeeeh..

    kan aku anti gombal n ga kaya cowok2 yang lain


  8. wakokaokaokakoakoakoakaoka anti gombal ato "Mr.AlwaysRight" ... ??

  9. @bukannya ga peka, tapi cara pandang kita beda
    semua lelaki ngomongnya sama jreng. lol. cara pandang beda ya.. try to put yourself on the other person's shoes??

    btw, gw bukan blg cowo gampang ngomong sorry. bener bgt, most dudes gede di ego boooooo. It's more, it is easier to say sorry than try to understand what the underlying problem actually is.

    @dinda pertama2 se iya, ngambek2 engga jelas. tp klo da lama kan biasanya lgs bleh blah bleh ngoce2 (maki2) non stop. well, gw begitu se. hahahaha.

  10. @try to put yourself on the other person's shoes??

    easy to say hard to do maaaaaaaaa

    @it is easier to say sorry than try to understand what the underlying problem actually is.

    yeah, some of us just take "sorry" as a quick duct-tape...
    no no.. not for the problem. it's for your mouth


  11. @pandu

    Bener bgt buat mulut gw. lol. he din sorry i will never shut my mouth up :P



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