Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cowok mentel

Heya fellas,

To the point aja deh. I guess the reason why I don't get hooked up in an instant is because ... gw sok kalem (sometimes), sok tegar (many times), sok kuat (mostly), sok wanita (all the time). Gw notice banget kalo cewek yg act cute, soft-tone, dan lemes-lembut lebih gampang narik perhatian cowo.

Terbukti banget sama a new acquaintance of mine yg suka cengar cengir, cengegesan at every sentence. 'xixixixi this' 'xixixixi that' ... flickering eyelashes at every sentence. Nah.. my every man-friend ask for her number at first meeting alrd. Kalo dibilang cakep.. gak cakep-cakep banget. Tapi karena sikap tuh cewe' yg act cute, cowo menilai dia 10 from scale 1 to 10 and 10 being highest.

This evidence then lead us to the fact that mata cowo hanya bisa melihat outer beauty. Pokoknya kalo ada cew cute, pasti pada sibuk minta di hook up. Outer beauty. Act cute. Mentel.

So fellas, jangan sampe ketinggalan update2 teori terbaru ya. Subscribe ke blog ini buat selalu diupdate

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  1. eh enak aja!!


    tapi bener si, expresi "dari mata turun ke hati" itu paling pas sama cowok. Tapi itu bukan artinya cowok2 ga bisa menghargai inner beautynya cewek2 loh.. Cowok2 just lebih cepet buat kecantol gara2 outer beauty karena... ya itu tadi, "dari mata turun ke hati" (padahal kita juuga ga tau itu turunnya beneran ke hati apa ke....... ) *evil*

  2. ZOMG! I am so coming back to your blog!

    You made me look like retard laughing by myself while reading your posts. WUAKAKAKAKA=D

    Yah emang kebanyakan cowo gitu toh? Kebanyakan, gak semua!
    cewe good looking + act cute = next target


  3. Heya L.ind! welcome to our community :)

    ya to be honest, emank banyakan cowok "gemes" banget liat cewek2 yang act cute... (apalagi kalo ada naughty naughty touchnya uuuuu...)

    gotta love those "xixixixi this" and "xixixixi that"

    don't blame us, it was you chicks who started it :P

  4. bruakakakak....saran doang..jangan over..
    ntar bukannya gemes malah takut cowoknya.. :P

  5. @James : good tips there.. cewe2 silahkan diambil masukannya dari Om James.. kwkwkwkkw..

  6. @pink
    sini mbak, centilin abang



    it's good to be cental centil tapi gue setuju sama james.. too centil bakal bikin cowok2 kesel. Tapi some centil2 bakal bikin cowok2 noleh :)



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