Or girlssss.. Lebi pilih mana, to have a younger boyfriend, or older boyfriend??? Kan sekarang lagi jaman tuh get a toy boy, macem Asthon & Demi, trus si Madonna ama cowo nya, sapa tau la namanya. Seumur-umur gw cuma pacaran ama cowo yang lebi tua, so, I dont know how does it feel pacaran ama cowo yang lebi muda. But anyway, I've heard or experienced...
Enaknya, bakalan di baby in terus.. Di manja-manja, dan disayang-sayang. Kalo lebi tua, da kerja, asoy geboy bisa dijajanin pula. Huhauhauhau.But! They think they are so superior, and you are so little so obviously (in his mind anyway) he's smarter than you. Kan.. he's older.. living longer life than you, experienced more than you. The problem start pas kalo jadian uda lama. Si cewe juga uda grow a bit, dan engga jadi bego-bego amat seperti dulu, but of course kalo cewenya emang dari sononya da bego, ya hoki laki nya. She can be his FOREVER ego boost. Anyway, the not so bego girls, mulai "oo ternyata ini begini dan itu begitu...". Engga usa lagi the dude have to tell her stuffs, she knows already. Kalo cowonya engga error, he accepts the fact that MAYBE the girl actually able to grasp on SOME concepts more accurate than him. Tapi yang rada mencong-mencong, "the" alpha male... I think the idea will be too overwhelming to him to even picture it in his brain. If he got any.
Cocok buat cewe-cewe yang demen take care others. Stereotype nya buat cewe-cewe yang punya dede lelaki. Or older sister la. Ato tu cewe emang jiwa keibuan nya sangat besar, jadinya pengen ngurusin orang mulu bawaannya, layaknya ibu-ibu (loh?). On the down side, kadang-kadang lelaki ini masi childish, in some way romatic, in some way annoying. Kadang-kadang masi too loud, masi demennya maen, padahal sang cewe biological clock is ticking very loud in the background. But obviously, the guy is far from ready to make the clock calm down a bit. Dan selebihnya, harap fill in, since I have no experience in this field!Layaknya sterotype.. Gw se prefer the older one. Hehehe. Secara gw anak bontot, kakak-kakak lebih tua jauh semuanya, I much prefer getting pampered. But then again, ada cowo yang lebih muda yang dewasa *so they said*. So, I keep my mind open. Not that it will gonna affect anything. Haha. So which one do you prefer?
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