Thursday, April 30, 2009

I spy with my little eye...

Heya fellas,

It got hot in Toronto last weekend, so berbekal kaca mata hitam cukup seceng cukup adem gw angkat kaki menuju ke patio to safely people-watch.

Based on intense observation, I can safely say, this is not a theory. This is a fact.

Dudes have a superb neck flexibility 

But........ ONLY at the sight of cewek lucu, cewek cantik, cewek seksi, boobs, ass, pouty lips and legs that go on for miles. Dijamin cowok bakal mampu untuk memutar leher MINIMAL 180 derajat ke arah mana pun cewek itu pergi. Kapan pun, di mana pun, sedang apa pun.  

Tapi kalau pas diminta tolong ("pass me the salt, please"), boro2 itu leher muter. Yang ada malah ga bereaksi saking celongo-nya ngeliatin 34C-27-36 yg barusan lewat pake rok mini. 

Dudes, with their selective neck flexibility, selective sight, selective hearing. Perlu tuh kayaknya ditimpuk pake sendal.  

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  1. hahahaha this is good

    @34C-27-36 yg barusan lewat pake rok mini



    ya gimana ya... we can't help it.

    It's similar to you chicks seeing the latest Chanel bag flying right in front of your eyes.

    I bet a truckload of $100, you chicks will turn your head to "check out" the bag. Forget 180, you'll even do a backflip that you couldn't even properly do back in SD just to check out the bag.

  2. Iya emang, kalo da liat yang ok, qta ngomong apa juga dicuekin. Gw pernah like this pas lehernya sedang muter ngikutin cewe hot:
    Me: orang kalo ngomong dengerin kli
    Dude: Kan gw dengerin pake kuping, engga pake mata

    Next when he talks, gw langsung buru2 ngomong ama temen gw yg laen.

    Dude: Ye, rese, gw ngomong dicuekin donk
    Me: Kan gw dengerin pake kuping, engga pake mulut.

    HUAHUAHUAHUAHUA. equivalent dengan ditimpuk sendal.

  3. ahahahahahahahaha iya juga ya ...
    kaum laki2 ngelakuin itu kadang sadar ga sadar lho ... =P
    saking reflek n naluri lelakinya kali ya ...

    tp hrsnya kalian para wanita tuh bersyukur coz klo sampe ada laki2 yg ga kyk gitu berarti itu cowo :
    - gay
    - hypersex (langsung berimaginasi cm dgn 1x lirikan)
    - stupid/idiot
    bahkan cowo yg lagi sakit leher sekalipun klo emang normal pasti matanya ngikut n dilanjutin badannya jd agak muter ... =))

  4. 34C-27-36 yg barusan lewat pake rok mini. jgnkan ngmg di sebelah gue ... jatoh pun gue rasa gue ga bakal ngeh n ga lebih penting moment jatoh ketimbang "34C-27-36 pake rok mini" ...



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